Cool Kids 5 - 2nd edition - SB + Reader

Autores: Gabriela Zapiain, Silvia Zapiain, Joep van der Werff, Andrew Starling, Jeanette Greenwell, Ana Foncerrada

ISBN: 9786070613999

Código do produto: 22006099

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Sobre o livro

 Cool Kids is a six-level series for primary school children.

It caters to different learning styles and encourages students’ participation, giving them
opportunities to use the language in meaningful ways. It also fosters learner autonomy.
With Cool Kids students will:
- learn and reinforce vocabulary using the Cool Pictionary;
- use everyday expressions included in the Cool Language section;
- develop creative skills and consolidate learning through Cool Crafts;
- develop reading skills through comics and nonfiction texts in Cool Reading.
The student's book incorporates new colourful photographs and attractive illustrations that appeal to students' visual intelligence and make their learning more memorable.

Componentes da obra

  • CD de recursos (pós-adoção)
  • Portal Educacional

Sobre os autores

Gabriela Zapiain

Silvia Zapiain

Joep van der Werff

Andrew Starling

Jeanette Greenwell

Ana Foncerrada